Between the technology and the real-life StartUps
Every time I do something, I do it to make an impact
Inspiring Young Minds
Coding & Tech for Kids
With FabLab Olbia, I introduce children to coding and technology through hands-on workshops in schools. The goal is to make learning fun, interactive, and inspiring, helping young minds develop creativity, problem-solving skills, and a passion for innovation.
Nearby Community
From an idea that i had in 2018 about a new kind of social platform i finally build the project after one year of hard work
App Design & Development
NoPR is a management software created for events, discos and online ticketing
Me the team of, we decided to make a step forward founding a company that has in focus the cycling experience, include our platform in it and research the best method to make the bike market more sustainable
Fest’e Mari
I created, with the help of Simone Siddi, a project focused on the protection and creation of an archive dedicated to all the 100 editions of the feast of Madonna di Bonaria of Marceddì.
ConnEtica 2021
ConnEtica is a festival in Oristano (Italy) that borns during the covid, I’ve been the supervisor for the event, technical supervisor and website manager
From a common passion between me, Giuseppe Demuro, and Marco Tansu, was born a platform for buying and selling cycling accessories and bicycles, entirely developed by me with PRYSM
Mike Terrana
After meeting Mike Terrana, I contributed to the development of his personal brand, including overseeing his online image, creating the website, and designing merchandise.
I founded PRYSM, my tech company, in Terralba (Italy) dreaming to make it big